Thursday, July 10, 2008

We Are Fighting Battles!

Battle One:

We are making a small dent in the box population here in the new house. We are hoping that soon we will outnumber them but it is a fierce battle. We find that they have used aliases to disguise themselves - their nametags may say "kitchen" but you can never be sure. They do not travel with like boxes and the numbers that they have tatooed on their sides do not coincide with anything we can understand. One called itself "trophies" but was actually Bumper's bed linens. We have given up having any order to this process and are resigned that every room in the house will just be a mess for a while. Pray for victory to come swiftly!

Battle Two:

The Laundry! It multiplies every minute. A week on the road, upacking, and a husband that has been living as a bachelor for four months is a deadly combination. There is more progress on this front than with the boxes but it continues to rage on unchecked.

On a lighter note, we met some of our neighbors last night. We have got some awesome banana bread for breakfast this morning compliments of the family that lives across the street. There are lots of children in the neighborhood and everyone seems friendly enough. Chuck said that he already knows more neighbors after three days here than after five years in our Florida house. He made a map and filled in the names of everyone that has come by-pretty good idea, huh?!

We have plans to go to the Farmer's Market in Ogden this weekend and the rodeo later this month. July 24th is a state holiday to celebrate the "pioneers" who settled Utah. Apparently it is quite a celebration.

I have to sign off now the boxes are mocking me!

Love to all and thanks for the continued prayers.

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