Saturday, October 4, 2008

Cold and Rain Today!

I have not been able to sign in to the blog for sometime now but suddenly today it worked! It is really autumn here now. We have watched the mountains change every day. The oaks are red and the aspens are yellow. It has been quite a beautiful show but today the mountains are completely enveloped in clouds. I think that when those clouds pull back there is going to be snow. The warm temperatures are history as of today. We have actually used the fireplace a couple of mornings this past week.

We celebrated Sarah's birthday last weekend. 23 - wow! We went to church to hear one of my favorite authors (Brennan Manning-The Ragamuffin Gospel) speak and then we took off for Salt Lake City to shop. When I pulled into the parking space I noticed stuff on the ground and realized that it was apples that had fallen from the tree. So cool-never saw apples growing on a tree before! We had a great day of hanging out at the Gateway Mall and went to Red Lobster for dinner.

Charles is doing great at school. He got a letter inquiring if he was planning to graduate this year. Seems like he will have enough credits at the end of his second year to graduate (thanks FBCS dual enrollment and AP!). He, of course, let them know that he has no intention of going anywhere for the next two years. He knows when he has it good! He is still on the Binary Bears competition computer programming team for Mercer. This year he is on the "A" team-the top team - oh yeah! If they place well enough at the competition next month then they are off to Stockholm - how cool would that be! He is still majoring in Physics and Computer Science and minoring in Computational Math.

I have been doing some "nesting" today. I has taken a while to figure out where to hang pictures and how to arrange things. I changed some stuff today and I think it is finally coming together at least on the main floor of the house. The family area in the basement is still in need of help! I'll get there eventually.

I will add some pictures to this page later so come back and visit again. Love to all - miss you so much!