Monday, July 14, 2008

Good Morning Monday!

Good Morning! Today marks one week in our new home. Here are a couple of images from the deck. Across the alfalfa field is the farm from which we hear the roosters and horses in the morning. It is great to sit and have coffee in the morning looking out over the field and toward the mountains. We went to church yesterday - it was good but not home! Sarah is down in St. George for the week at a Speech and Debate Conference. We enjoyed our week of having everyone together and are sad that it ended so quickly. She will be home on Saturday. The weekend is over and that means back to work today! The box population is shifting from the main house to the garage. Many of them are now flattened and ready for disposal - they did not go down easily, but, I am now winning!


Mary Toledo said...

The house is beautiful and big enough for friends to visit!
Congratluations to Sarah on the new job and to all of you for the adventurous trip.
Don't forget we love you!
Mary Toledo

Angie Mood said...

Yes, I see a girl's western vacation trip in the future. We have plenty of room for everyone! The house and area are great and we are settling in slowly. Take care - love you too! Angie