Monday, September 1, 2008

Hello Fall!

Unlike the typical Florida Labor Day of picnics and the beach, we have rain, wind and hail today. It is in the 40s this morning and definitely not a day for outdoor activities. As I am writing this post the clouds are pulling back from the mountains and I can see snow up there! The hummingbirds are having a war in our backyard as they compete for nourishment in preparation to fly to South America for the winter. And how do I know this? Huh! I only know this because of the nice lady at Lowes that told me all about hummingbirds and planting bulbs! We have three feeders and they are hilarious to watch as they fight for territory. Last night at dinner they were completely confused because they could see Alex's red shirt through the window. They kept flying up and staring through the sliding glass doors at him!
The weather the last couple of days has changed completely. Saturday I was out planting flowers (Perennials, of course, thanks to my Utah Gardening By the Month Book!) helping Chuck with the lawn work and getting sunburned and dehydrated. That night we were watching TV and heard a huge noise outside. The lawn chairs were heading toward the neighbor's yard and stuff was flying all over the place. We brought in all of the loose things from the deck and tied down the chairs. Just like hurricane preps! We get these micro-bursts of wind out here that come out of nowhere. The grill has travelled across the deck on more than one occasion.
Everyone is doing well. We are busy with the stuff of life and enjoying each new experience. We have been to Salt Lake City to shop (thank goodness they have The Loft!) and continue to enjoy the Farmer's Market on Saturdays. There are sunflowers growing wild along the roads and the fence behind the house. I love going out and cutting a bunch to keep on the kitchen table.
Sarah loves teaching and her students. (Well, most of her students!) She sees them everywhere we go - "Miss Mooooood"! Her classroom has a beautiful view of the mountains. Charles has settled into school and is pursuing a research internship for next summer. He would appreciate your prayers as the programs are very competitive! He was asked to be a Supplemental Instruction for the 1st year physics classes which was quite the honor for a sophomore! He is not able to take the position because it conflicts with Multivariable Calculus (yeah, right, whatever!) but it was very cool to be asked! Alex works long hours, the life of a manager in training, but loves his job. He has been fishing and is longing for a pontoon boat. Chuck went over to Wyoming Saturday to a "Mountain Man Rendezvous" event. No Civil War battle, but fun anyway.
It is a great day to curl up with a book and that is where I am headed now.
Love to all - We miss you, Angie and fam

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